When I started coming to this world,
First, I came and lived in my mum’s worm,
When I was in my mum’s worm,
And I had had walking time just for ten months.
So, there are my tracks in her worm.
When I came out of my mum’s worm,
The wind gives me a present to breath,
My mum fed me a very soft food
And milk that come from her heart,
Then she gives me the light, shows me the sun,
The moon and the world,
And she brought some toys for me to play.
So, there are my tracks on her palms.
She is a Buddhist, and for me too,
It will never change.
She gave me everything that she could,
And she played with me at all times.
She accompanied me to school,
Sometimes to the park and monastery.
So, there are my tracks in my birth place small village.
I now keep my home and village left behind,
Then cross over the ocean through the
World wide, day by day, night by night
Fighting for life to the aim,
Clamp the highest mountain called the goal.
So, there will be my tracks remaining till the age.
written by lengtai
There Will Be My Track Till The Age
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