About Tai(Shan) New Year (Part-2)


(1) Before the Buddha’s Era, “King Anjana” the king of Devadaha in Sharkya clan, subtracted 6845 from the ancient year (Kaliyuga Era) 6847, leaving “2” which renew up to the year of 148, Tuesday, the sixth full moon day, the Lord expired and entered “Nirvana”. And was called the great year (Maha year).

(2) Three months after the Lord “Gautama” had entered “Nirvana”; King “Ajatasatthu” re-established the Calendar. The year was counted “1” which was the year of the Buddha’s Era.

In the [Buddha] year “424” the King "Sriraja" of “Srikhettra” tried to re-establish, but failed without the participation of the people.

(3) In the year of “624” BE. King “Sumundri” of “Srikhettra” re-establish the calendar, leaving “2” to start. And also was called Kovinda year or the great Koja year.

(4) Then after the year reached 562, King “Pupa Saw Rahan” of “Pagan or Pookam kingdom” subtracted 560 leaving “2”.

It was from this 2nd year which is now reached 1370 [in 2008 CE.] and was also known as the Burmese Era. And some where was known as Koja year or some as Cula year.

This abstraction and re-instituting of the calendar had occurred, due to one of these facts.

(1) According to the Prophecies.

(2) When there were bad weathers, drought or flood, or destruction by pests, which resulted in famine.

(3) The King simply wants to show his might and generosity to his subjects.

The king, who had abstracted and reinstitutes the calendar, was usually expired within that year. They had to sacrifice their lives, for the goodness of their people.

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