To see the Tai fon on this site


I am delighted to give an information to all my friends who visits to our web-blog- site is for the first time your computer may not read the Tai font on this site. It is not a big problem. So that some friends often have a question that why cannot read the font. My answering here is I use Zawgyi-Tai Unicode directly into this web page, that is why. So, let me show you some direction way to see the Tai letters and what you have to do.

First, please go and take the Zawgyi-Tai Unicode on the right site, then install it. And one thing you have to do is during installation this Unicode, do not restart the computer, just select the letter " restart the computer later." After finished your installing, you should restart the computer. It means you type the Tai font anywhere even on the Google Talk and you may see the Tai letters on this site very clearly.

To install Zawgyi-Tai Unicode is not difficult like the others Unicode and to install this Unicode is just like we install some software such as media-player, real-player and some software. Finally, I would like to thanks to you all of my friends who spend their time and visit to our “Murngkhurnet”.

Thank you

With love


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